Have Your Permit to Rent Your Property Online?
The local government announced to homeowners in San Miguel who rent any part of their property that they need to apply for the proper permit to continue to do so.
The process is simple: Fill out the paperwork and bring a copy of each of the following documents to the office of Urban Development:

- copy of property deed.
- copy of property tax payment.
- copy of the letter issued by the office of Civil Protection with no objection for the use of land permit.
- copy of the water payment issued by SAPASMA.
- map of location (for example, via Google maps).
- photographs of property (interior and exterior).
- copy of a lease (if the property is rented from a third party). A letter of the owner with no objection to request the use of land permit must be attached.
- if somebody different from the owner or the lesee request the permit, a proxy letter is required.
- copy of ID.
- copy of insurance which covers the guests in case of accident.
Remember, one also has to make a payment of 10,000 mxn. It can be made in full or in two payments of 5,000 mxn each. The cost to renew this document will be 10,000mxn each year.